
2023/11/30 New ceramic vacuum break installed

2022/12/15 The first flyerplate experiment.

2021/6/14,20,28, 8/11 First plasma jet generated by a conical-wire array captured by Laser backlighting. First time-integrated x-ray image of a 4-wire x-pinch implosion. First rotating plasma jet generated by a twisted-conical-wire array captured by Laser backlighting. First time-integrated x-ray image of a conical-wire array implosion.

2021/5/20,22 First Laser light! The laser will be used for diagnostics.

2020/8/18 Plasma jets generated by conical-wire arrays.

2020/7/30 Rail-gap switch – multichannel.

2020/1/20 First plasma jet generated by a conical-wire array.

2019/11/1 We finally started assembling the streak camera. 

2019/10/2 Full system with 1 kJ @ 20 kV delivering ~100 kA in ~1us!
Time for science!!!

2019/9/6 Two wings with 3 bricks in each of them! One more step to finish the system (5 bricks in each wing, i.e., 10 bricks storing 1 kJ in total!)


2019/8/21 First shot with two synchronized rail-gap switches.

2018/10/22,24 High voltage trigger pulse generator using a three-stage Marx generator and Rail-gap switch got triggered

2018/9/10 High voltage/current feed through vacuum test

2018/7/4 Rail-gap switch first try – not good enough but positive

2018/5/29 Quartz vacuum chamber

2018/5/29 High voltage relay

[KGVID width=”600″ height=”338″]http://capst.ncku.edu.tw/PGS/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/33444000_462867740836799_4166571050315212129_n.mp4[/KGVID]

2018/5/23 Experiments – Breakdown test

2018/5/23 Experiments – Little Marx